Evaluation Of Leprosy Management Program Implementation In Karang Penang Health Center, Sampang District, Madura
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Evaluation Of Leprosy Management Program Implementation In Karang Penang Health Center, Sampang District, Madura
Reny Nugraheni, Meira Kusuma Wardani
Leprosy is an infectious disease that causes very complex problems. The prevalence of leprosy in Karang Penang Health Center, Sampang District in the last 3 years has fluctuated by 35 cases in 2015, 23 cases in 2016, and 55 cases in 2017. This study aims to evaluate implementation of leprosy management program in Karang Penang Health Center, Sampang District, Year 2017. This research uses Mix Methods by combining qualitative (In Depth Interview) and quantitative (Descriptive Survey) methods with Sequential Explanatory models. The sample in this study was leprosy surveillance data, while the informants consisted by two key informants and four main informants. Data processing in this research is quantitative data processing. The results showed that for ‘aspects of health status produced’ there was only one aspect which has fulfilled national standard, namely cure rate (MB and PB); ‘aspects of service quality that have been implemented’ have been achieved; ‘aspects of quantity of services provided’ (ICF activities, drug administration according to dosage, and home visits), which are not optimal because this program runs only for affordable areas and there are still limited resources and facilities that do not support; ‘aspects of community attitudes’ that strongly support this program to be implemented, but community stigma is still low; ‘aspects of available resources’ have not been good due to limited human resources and facilities; and ‘aspects of costs source’ used are from the government. It is hoped that health agencies will approach community and religious leaders to change the community's stigma and provide motor vehicle facilities for leprosy officers to carry out this program very well.
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.317
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online)
Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page.879-885
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.317
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online)
Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page.879-885
Reny Nugraheni, Meira Kusuma Wardani, “Evaluation Of Leprosy Management Program Implementation In Karang Penang Health Center, Sampang District, Madura,” Institut Ilmu Kesehatan BW Kediri, accessed March 15, 2025, https://oasis.iik.ac.id:9443/repo/items/show/7732.