The Effect of Bean Juice for Reduction Blood Glucose Levels in Psychological Stress

Dublin Core


The Effect of Bean Juice for Reduction Blood Glucose Levels in Psychological Stress


Dianti Ias Oktaviasari, Reny Nugraheni


The prevalence of psychological stress or known as mental emotional disorders in Indonesian population is 6% or around 14 million people (Riskesdas, 2013). Psychological stress can occur people who staying up late with upside down sleep patterns. Psychological stress will affect the HPA Axis system in the body and increase cortisol hormone secretion, so it can increase metabolic processes and affect in increasing blood glucose levels. This psychological stress, can trigger oxidative stress which will increase the risk of degenerative diseases. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris linn) have antioxidant activity that can provide protection against lipid peroxidation and enhance cellular antioxidant defenses so it can suppress oxidative stress process. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of bean juice in reducing blood glucose levels in male white rats (strain wistar) exposed by psychological stress. This study was Randomized Post Test Only Group Design. There were five groups in this study, control and stress control groups, and 3 treatment groups. Psychological stress exposure was given to change sleep patterns in rats. These treatment groups were given bean juice dose 4,5 g/ml. Blood sample from each treatment group was taken after 1 hour, 6 hours, and 24 hours to measure blood glucose levels. The results showed that blood glucose levels can be reduced by providing bean juice in the first hour after psychological stress exposure. Flavonoid antioxidant content in beans, reduces the amount of free radicals by scavenging mechanisms on free radicals and increases endogenous antioxidant levels and insulin levels, so that blood glucose levels can be reduced. A single dose of bean juice in this study, can reduce blood glucose levels after one hour of giving bean juice and its antioxidant activity persisted until 24th hour. It showed that bean juice can work as an antioxidant by reducing blood glucose levels.




Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019)
ISBN: 978-94-6252-911-3


Dianti Ias Oktaviasari, Reny Nugraheni, “The Effect of Bean Juice for Reduction Blood Glucose Levels in Psychological Stress,” Institut Ilmu Kesehatan BW Kediri, accessed March 6, 2025,