Instructional Leadership Berbasis Theory Planned Behavior dalam Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa
Dublin Core
Instructional Leadership Berbasis Theory Planned Behavior dalam Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa
Sheylla Septina Margaretta, Ely Isnaeni
Latar belakang: Tugas perawat profesional adalah memberi pelayanan kesehatan asuhan keperawatan holistik secara paripurna, sehingga calon perawat perlu kemampuan akademik serta praktik yang baik untuk mencapai target lulus uji kompetensi. Namun pada awal pembelajaran perguruan tinggi, didapatkan rendahnya minat mahasiswa baru dalam menjadi perawat, kurang memahami kurikulum, dan stress adaptasi lingkungan baru sehingga menurukan motivasi belajar. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh Instructional Leadership dengan pendekatan Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) terhadap peningkatan motovasi belajar mahasiswa baru progam studi S1 Keperawatan. Metode: Kuantitatif menggunakan desain pra-eksperimental dengan jenis one group pra post test, penerapan instructional leadership dilakukan oleh Kaprodi dengan penilaian motivasi belajar menggunakan kuisioner. Desain pengambilan sampel total sampling yaitu sebanyak 63 mahasiswa baru. Hasil: Pada uji paired t-test didapatkan nilai signifikan p=0,000 pada motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Simpulan: Instructional Leadership dengan pendekatan TPB dapat peningkatan motovasi belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dapat diaplikasikan oleh Kaprodi dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa.
Background: Profesional nurse has a duty to provide comprehensive health care, so that prospective nurse must have good academic skills and practice to achieve the target of passing the competency test. However, at the beginning of college learning, we found a phenomenon tha new students has low interest in nursing, less understanding of the curriculum, and stress of new environmental adaptations which makes new students’s learning motivation getting low . Objective: Knowing the effect of Instructional Leadership with Planned Behavior Theory (PBT) approach to the improvement of learning motivation of Bachelor degrees of nursing program’s new students. Method: Quantitative uses pre-experimental design with one group pre post test, instructional leadership performed by the head of study program using questionnaire. This research use total sampling design with 63 sampel of new students. Result: In paired t-test obtained significant value p = 0,000 in student learning motivation. Conclusion: Instructional Leadership with TPB approach can be improved student learning motivation. This research can be applied by the head of study program in carrying out its duties and functions which can improve student's learning motivation.
Background: Profesional nurse has a duty to provide comprehensive health care, so that prospective nurse must have good academic skills and practice to achieve the target of passing the competency test. However, at the beginning of college learning, we found a phenomenon tha new students has low interest in nursing, less understanding of the curriculum, and stress of new environmental adaptations which makes new students’s learning motivation getting low . Objective: Knowing the effect of Instructional Leadership with Planned Behavior Theory (PBT) approach to the improvement of learning motivation of Bachelor degrees of nursing program’s new students. Method: Quantitative uses pre-experimental design with one group pre post test, instructional leadership performed by the head of study program using questionnaire. This research use total sampling design with 63 sampel of new students. Result: In paired t-test obtained significant value p = 0,000 in student learning motivation. Conclusion: Instructional Leadership with TPB approach can be improved student learning motivation. This research can be applied by the head of study program in carrying out its duties and functions which can improve student's learning motivation.
Jurnal Wiyata, Vol. 5 No. 2 Tahun 2018
P-ISSN 2355-6498 | E-ISSN 2442-6555
P-ISSN 2355-6498 | E-ISSN 2442-6555
Sheylla Septina Margaretta, Ely Isnaeni, “Instructional Leadership Berbasis Theory Planned Behavior dalam Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa,” Institut Ilmu Kesehatan BW Kediri, accessed January 10, 2025,