Dublin Core
Yeni Nurmala Hidayati
Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus bagi mahasiswa kesehatan dimaksudkan untuk membantu mereka dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan keilmuan dan karir atau pekerjaan mereka di masa mendatang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi materi Bahasa Inggris bagi mahasiswa perekam medis dan informasi kesehatan di IIK apakah sudah memenuhi kebutuhan, sesuai bidang mereka dan karir di tempat mereka bekerja nantinya. Persepsi dari sejumlah mahasiswa, lulusan dan pengguna lulusan menjadi pertimbangan penting untuk mengevaluasi materi bahasa Inggris yang sudah ada. Structuredkuesioner digunakan sebagai instrument untuk mendapatkan data pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa materi bahasa Inggris yang ada saat ini belum memenuhi kebutuhanmahasiswa dan lulusan. Topik-topik yang khusus, teks dan kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan konteks kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perekam medis sebaiknya diajar menggunakan materi bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus yangberhubungan dengan bidang keilmuan agar memotivasi mahasiswa dan meningkatkan pengetahuan akademik mereka serta memudahkan tugas serta aktifitas sebagai perekam medis ketika di tempat kerja nantinya.
An ESP course for medical students is intended to help them study their subject matters and in their future careers or jobs. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the ESP materials for medical records and health information students in IIK satisfied their needs and their working environments. A careful examination of the perception of the students, the graduates and the users was considered to be predominant in evaluating the existing English materials. Structured questionnaires administered to the students, the graduates and the users were the instruments used to obtain the data in this study. The findings of the research showed that the existing materials during the college did not satisfy the students’ and the graduates’ needs. Some specific topics/issues, texts and vocabularies related to the medical contexts were highly required. As a conclusion, medical recorders are required to be taught with ESP materials as having relevancy with the students’ discipline in order to make the students motivate and encourage them in their academic knowledge and to ease the work-related activitiesin the future workplaces as well.
An ESP course for medical students is intended to help them study their subject matters and in their future careers or jobs. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the ESP materials for medical records and health information students in IIK satisfied their needs and their working environments. A careful examination of the perception of the students, the graduates and the users was considered to be predominant in evaluating the existing English materials. Structured questionnaires administered to the students, the graduates and the users were the instruments used to obtain the data in this study. The findings of the research showed that the existing materials during the college did not satisfy the students’ and the graduates’ needs. Some specific topics/issues, texts and vocabularies related to the medical contexts were highly required. As a conclusion, medical recorders are required to be taught with ESP materials as having relevancy with the students’ discipline in order to make the students motivate and encourage them in their academic knowledge and to ease the work-related activitiesin the future workplaces as well.
Journal of English Language Teaching Learning and Literature
ISSN : 2620 – 410X
Vol. 1 No. 2, November 2018
ISSN : 2620 – 410X
Vol. 1 No. 2, November 2018
Yeni Nurmala Hidayati, “ESP MATERIALS FOR MEDICAL RECORDS STUDENTS: AN EVALUATION STUDY,” Institut Ilmu Kesehatan BW Kediri, accessed January 8, 2025,